It’s Time To Jump To The Future!

Ever heard of an experiential vehicle? Have you ever utilized one for a marketing campaign? My apologies, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s talk marketing real quick here… 

Marketing is constantly changing with the times. These days, billboards and emails just aren’t going to reach your audience the way you need them to. There’s a lot more to creating loyal customers. The greatest brands and marketers are providing something much bigger and a lot more engaging. It is time to hop on the trends train. Experiential marketing is rising to the top and there is no surprise to why. Brands are giving customers a chance to try their product or experience their brand before buying it. This method increases brand awareness and trust into the product. So why is experiential marketing so important? Why is it causing an increase in loyal customers and brand awareness. Well…simple answer. It’s fun! You’re giving your customers AN EXPERIENCE THEY WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER. This is exactly why you should be too!


Experiential marketing, also known as engagement or event marketing, is a type of marketing that creates a real life experience for the customer. Your customer is able to literally experience your brand and engage with ambassadors and brand representatives. Whether you are selling products from a pop up retail location or a brand new food truck, creating relationships with your audience is key. A great way to incorporate experiential marketing in your campaign is with an experiential marketing vehicle.


Mobile experiential marketing vehicles have proven to be the most popular and effective methods of experiential marketing. It is a time efficient way to reach multiple audiences with one asset. This also makes it a cost effective marketing campaign! An event vehicle has an endless amount of possibilities. From customizing it with your logo, adding engaging activities inside or providing a service, you can create brand awareness. There are a variety of marketing vehicles offered and each one fits a different need. A stage truck is a very popular option! With a stage truck or trailer you can customize every aspect with your brand and also attract the audience around it’s radius. This huge trailer looks like a stage but can be used for multiple reasons. Throw a party on it and showcase the launch of a new drink! You could even host a watch party on the newest TV your company manufactured. Anything that gets people together to enjoy themselves and create memories.


Experiential marketing opens doors to an increase in traffic by taking the experience directly to the audience. Bringing your brand to them shows that you are confident they will love it and become loyal customers. Think about it. Have you ever gone somewhere and walked up to take a sample from a food truck? You had NO idea they even existed but a few weeks later you think, “I need to go check out that place with the yummy food”. BOOM. You became a customer! The owner of that truck wanted you to experience their product. They wanted you to personally engage with their people and build those relationships. They became a memorable experience for you. The simple marketing effort created a desire in you to want to go back. So with one simple method you get brand awareness, traffic, and loyal customers.


You can use an experiential vehicle in multiple ways. Lime Media has assisted on multiple campaigns all with very different needs. We partnered with Dell to create a cross-promotion campaign to promote both Dell as well as The Amazing Spider Man! Dell wanted to promote innovative technology and showcase the Spider Man movie effects through their computers, virtual reality games, and tv’s. The stage truck was parked at the movie premeir’s red carpet and was accessible to guests and to the movie stars! This specific campaign wasn’t selling a physical product but was engaging with their audience by providing them a hands-on experience. Another great example is the Bud Light stage trailer. This trailer set the tone for tailgating! It was an amazing experience for college football fanatics. This trailer was placed in the parking lot and had live music and beer! A stage trailer can also serve as a retail location on wheels. Design the inside of your trailer to look like your dream store. You can drive across the country and bring your brand to your customers. Set up a dressing room area and a photo op section and you are good to go. You can also use the trailer to host a fun area to allow shoppers to mingle and gather. You truly have an endless amount of opportunity with a campaign on wheels!


Lime Media does the heaving lifting for you. We offer different sizes of stage trailers, ranging from 28 to 53 ft. We will be able to help you visualize your project timeline and assist you with finding the best add ons for your campaign. From your first call to the end of your campaign we are right alongside you. We have the best team working on B2B marketing and activations. Our sales team will fit our services to your specific needs. Our creative team will help you visualize your campaign with renders. Our Lime Studios team can assist with content capturing, time lapse videos and images of your experiential marketing vehicle. Our amazing production and fabrication team will be working hands on to create your asset. Lime Media is a quick turnkey solution for your experiential marketing needs and diligently works to provide the best service and quality for you.

WHO DO I CALL? Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! Not really, but that would be pretty cool if you think about it – BUT! Just as cool, or maybe a close second….is giving Lime Media a call! We are here for you every single step of the way. We know that it can be a big task to take on and that is why we offer a variety of services that best fit your needs. Make sure to check out our website at or call us at 972-808-5241. You can also follow us on our social platforms to see the work and campaigns we have been a part of. Let us know your goals, your vision, and your budget. Let’s incorporate an experiential vehicle in your next marketing campaign and let us turn your imagination to life!