Ok, huddle up, huddle up. McDonald’s French fries and smoothies, on two, on two. Ready? Break! Red 72….. Blueberry Pomegranate….. Mango Pineapple….. French Fries…… hut, hut. Ah the sweet sounds of football are back. This year is going to be a great year as McDonald’s and Lime Media have a book of plays that will win consumers over one sample at a time. The NFL Football fans go to each game with a hearty appetite and strong thirst and our team is ready to tackle both. The pre-season is over and the long journey to the big game is already entering into its third week. The time is now to take the fourth quarter of 2014 to an entire new level of success. How you ask? Take a look at what we have done so far.
Denver Broncos
We had a successful 3 day French Fry truck activation that from September 5th –September 7th 2014 at the Denver Broncos Sports Authority Field at Mile High football stadium. We partnered with Jammin 101.5, Roots Sports and the Denver Broncos to secure our key locations within one block from the stadium as well as onsite. At each activation we had the Jalapeno Double 6 ft. prop with many consumers excited about the sandwich and even more excited about the Fry Truck. We passed out 1,500 Jalapeno Double Free BOGs, 7k Free Fry BOGs and Broncos/McDonald’s t-shirts. We also served 3,900 small Fry samples during the three day activation.

Baltimore Ravens
For this year’s 2014 home opener McDonald’s, Davis Elen and Lime Media joined forces to excite the passionate Raven’s fans about McDonald’s. On this particular evening we passed out 2,400 Mango Pineapple Smoothies and Blueberry Pomegranate smoothies to the large crowds in the Game Day Village area. With the successful sampling and the incredible football play by the Ravens, we considered this a win win for all parties involved!

Green Bay Packers
On Sunday, September 14th, 2014, McDonald’s, Moroch and Lime Media teamed up at Lambeau Field in Green Bay, Wisconsin. In the Tundra Tailgate Zone, we featured the McDonald’s French Fry truck which passed out 2400 samples of fresh French Fries to the Packers fans. While fans enjoyed the samples there was live bands, alumni autograph sessions and free premiums in the climate controlled tents. Over 30, 000 Packers fans enjoyed the tailgating zone!