Budweiser Baseball
When Bud was looking for a way to entertain Dodgers fans during the preseason games, Lime Media stepped to the plate and developed a custom motion controlled home run derby. To add to the realism, three curved LED monitors surrounded the consumer immersing them in detailed renderings of Dodgers Stadium. As a takeaway, consumers were texted a GIF of their best home run to share with friends and family. The pre-season program was such a success that Bud decided to purchase the system and use it for the full season at Dodger Stadium.
Client: Budweiser
Agency: Infinite
Markerts: Phoenix, Los Angeles
Date: 2017 MLB preseason; full 2017 MLB season at Dodger Stadium
Program Elements
Custom motion activated “Home Run Derby” video game with built-in photo op for social media sharing; three 55″ Samsung 4K screens; motion activated sensor; fabricated TV façade; branded tent and flags.
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