Over 433 MILLON people use Pinterest every month. More than that, the people using the platform want to try your ideas and find inspiration. Pinterest is promoted as a visual search engine, making it unique from other social media and a perfect asset for marketing strategies!
What is Pinterest?
Pinterest explores, shares, and stores visual content that users find inspiring, helpful, or entertaining. Pinners interact on the platform through liking, commenting, and repinning posts from others. Users are encouraged to follow friends, competitors, and accounts that have similar interests. Engagement is KEY when using Pinterest.
Because Pinterest is a search engine, its biggest advantage is that it drives web traffic back to users’ sites. Each pin a user creates can have a link attached to it. Each time someone sees your pin, they can visit the link leading back to your website. Users engaging with your pins are enticed by your idea, making the traffic to your site legitimate.
How to use
When registering for a Pinterest account, you’re given two options, a personal or a business account. To get the most out of the platform, you’ll want to make sure you register as a Business account. With a business account, you have access to analytics. The metrics readily available include impressions, engagement, total audience, and engaged audience. These metrics can be measured for different periods based on your needs. With the business account, you can also access promotional tools like Ads and boosts for pins. The business account for Pinterest is the best choice for marketers!
Once you’ve created your account, you need to establish your company’s goals for Pinterest. Your goals will determine your interaction with the platform. Pinterest is a strong platform for all forms of content. 85% of people say they pay more attention to visual content. This makes Pinterest a gold mine! Use this to your advantage and promote your blogs, web content, art, products, and more! Just make sure it’s visually appealing!

What does it mean to be “visually appealing” for Pinterest? Each pin you create has to be captivating! Vertical images work best. The platform feed is oriented vertically, so your content will be easily viewed in that format. Make sure your content is in the highest quality form. When you create a pin on Pinterest, it will give you recommended sizing to guide you! Your pin needs to include a descriptive copy. Think of keywords that will attract your target audience to your pins. Be as descriptive as possible for the most engagement. Search engine optimization is crucial here. Using words that currently create high traffic will direct more users to your content! The headline for your pin should reinforce the visual content presented. Once again, think about SEO words! You’ll want to incorporate your company branding when it doesn’t interfere with your visuals. Before publishing your pin, the last thing to check is to ensure all the links work. The goal is to increase traffic to your site, which won’t happen if you provide broken links in your pins.
The easiest way for your audience to engage with your content is to stay organized. In the platform, you can create different boards. These boards are organized by topics. Think of each board as a file folder that holds all related content. Each of the boards will have pins related to the subject. You’ll save all related pins to that specific board. Pinterest distributes content based on keywords that are searched. Organizing your content will make it more likely to be featured in searches and more accessible for your audience to interact with.
One of the highlights of Pinterest is the ability to build a community. Do this by inviting people with similar interests to add to your board. This means that those invited can add their own relevant ideas and keep up with yours. It’s great for increasing your engagement and interaction. There will always be people interacting with your pins, once again increasing your web traffic.
For growth on Pinterest, there are several things you can do. The easiest is to promote your Pinterest account on your other social platforms. Your audience on other social channels is an excellent potential user who might be unaware your Pinterest exists. You also want to follow similar accounts. With similar accounts, there is a higher likelihood that they’ll follow back due to similar interests, making a win-win situation for all parties. You also want to look at what your competitors or utilizing Pinterest for. Pick up on techniques that you could experiment with implementing with your audience.
Consumers love to be educated, and Pinterest is the perfect place to do that! Create pins that have a purpose. Tutorials, infographics, and how-tos are some of the best ways to educate and give meaning to your audience. At the end of the day, you want to ensure you’re pushing out content your audience wants to see and interact with.

Pinterest and Experiential Marketing
Pinterest is a GREAT asset for experiential marketing with its endless source of information. The platform contains vibrant colors, unique patterns, and out-of-the-box ideas. In addition to searching for inspiration, YOU can also be the source. Publish previous projects for potential clients to see. Promote your artboards and renders. The more creativity you can throw into Pinterest, the better off you’ll be. You never know who will see your content. You could find your next big client through Pinterest!
Get started! Pinterest is a search engine full of endless inspiration! Utilizing the platform will do wonders for your brand and marketing strategy. Join the 433 million other users and become a pinner today. It’s that easy!